Wednesday, October 6, 2010

miercoles el 6 de octubre

Guiding Question: How did we first learn to speak?
Learning Objective: TSW (The students will) use the IB rubrics to evaluate peer blabberize projects. This will serve as a review of the description vocab as well.

After we reviewed the new blog we looked over the IB rubrics for speaking. We self-assessed our listening achievement as well.

Tarea: comment on this blog answering the following questions...
1. What is your feedback for the blabberize projects?
2. What did you like about it?
3. What should I change to make this a better activity/experience for you next time?

Sra. Rivera


  1. I really enjoyed doing the Blabberize project. i feel like it was a more fun and interactive way for us to learn and shoe you our learning and speaking process. I don't think you should change anything about this assignment. As I said it was a fun and interactive way to learn.


  2. 1. I feel that all the blabberize projects were very good. Everyone spoke clearly and even though there were mistakes you were still able to understand them. Also, being able to see the different pictures that people chose was fun and exciting.
    2. I liked this project because you were able to be creative about what pictures you use and what voices and vocab you would use to describe the person. Also being able to hear you voice and see the mouth move in the picture is very interesting and fun.
    3.I don't feel like you would need to change anything because it was all straight forward and easy to understand and fun to do.


  3. 1 everyone did good
    2 i fanly did it
    3 make it easier to turn in

  4. 1. I felt that everyone at least tried and did well on their blabberize.
    2. I liked it because it wasnt a test but it was worth just as many points.
    3. Next time you should get a big computer lap to make it easier for doing the project, also you should find a better way to record the sounds

  5. 1- It was creative and i liked it
    2- It was fun and we got to personalize it
    3- I agree with linda ^^

  6. I did like the blabberize project. It was a differnt way to do spanish and learn. I liked that it wasn't really dificult to do and I could do it at home easily. You could change how you turn it in. So if your email doesn't get through then you have another way to get it in and doesn't do anything to effect your grade when your email doesn't go through.


  7. 1.I enjoyed the blabberize project because it gave us a in depth project that gave us examples in real life situations .

    2. I liked the fun hilarity of the project that gave a whimsical but productive project that forced to carry a small conversation

    3. If I could change anything I would make it easier to turn in your blabberize it was a little to dificult.

  8. 1. I think that all of the projects were very good. It seems like doing this project helped everyone's understanding of vocab as well.
    2. I enjoyed doing this project because it was a better way for us to show you our understanding and was way more fun and interesting than our normal assessments.
    3. I think this project is fine the way it is

  9. 1. The balbberize projects were all good, every one tried their best and did good.
    2. The project was fun and was a little diffecult to get the mouth to go correctly.
    3. I think you should keep it how it is now because the students are doing something else the sitting there and listening its a good way to do projects.

  10. i really liked the blabberize project beacuse it was better than class. i liked making the blabberize beacuse it was cool like should not change anything.

  11. 1)I feel like that was a good way to help us learn spanish
    2)I liked how we were able to do this to show you our spanish.
    3)I dont think that you need to make any changes because it is pretty stright forward

  12. 1. It was easy and fun.
    2. I liked how we could just kind of hang out and talk while we worked.
    3. We need more time to make more blabberizes.

  13. I liked the blabberize project because it had some fun in it while it tought us alot about spanish.

    I liked thst we could blsbberize anyone

    Make it a group prijeect where more people have to speak and make a whole sccene type thing

  14. it think this was a great way to do an assesment because it didnt really seem like a big stress and i think that helped alot. i liked this project because i think it was a funny way to see what we know about spanish. and the problems we encountered we out of our hands but at least we got them fixed.

  15. I think that the blabberize project was fun and a good way to practice spanish. I liked making the moutch move and recording it. I don't think you need a change beacuse it was fun and to me a really good way to learn

  16. I will liked the blob i want you to no that nexit time we should do it with a friend i think it will be more fun.the things i like about it was that we learnd how to makea person talke that why is was fun

  17. 1. I don't think it was easy for me to blabberize
    2. I think it was new for me
    3. I don't know
