Wednesday, December 1, 2010

miercoles el 1 de deciembre

Guiding Question: How much do you acquire a language and how much do you study it?
Learning Objective:  Students will complete chapter 2 of Piratas and will understand the different conjugations of -ar verbs when they encounter them in the reading.

Conjugating is a big FANCY term that means…changing the form of the verb to match the subject doing the verb.

It is as easy as completing a pattern
◊●∞◊●∞◊●∞◊_ _
Cantar-to sing

Yo canto
I sing
Nosotros cantamos
We sing
Tú cantas
You sing

Él canta
Ella canta  
Usted canta
He sings
She sings
You sing
Ellos cantan
Ellas cantan
Ustedes cantan
They sing
They sing
You all sing

Bailar-to dance

Yo bailo
I dance
Nosotros bailamos
We dance
Tú bailas
You dance

Él baila
Ella baila
Usted baila
He dances
She dances
You dance
Ellos bailan
Ellas bailan
Ustedes bailan
They dance
They dance
You all dance

gritar-to yell





Escuchar-to listen





Hablar-to speak





Esquiar-to ski





Jugar-to play





Monday, November 29, 2010

lunes el 29 de noviembre

Guiding Question: How many times must we be exposed to new vocabulary before we KNOW it?
Learning Objective: Students will be able to express possession in Spanish and will know and be able to use the verb busca.

We started with a quick assessment to measure if we know our pronouns or not.  With only 5 classes left between now and finals--we must KNOW the foundational vocabulary.

There was a quick story tell to teach possession and the verb busca.  Max took notes on the story for us but I need to get a copy of it to attach to this blog later.  Then we read together as a class the rest of chapter 2 in the Piratas book. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

lunes el 22 de noviembre

Guiding Question: How many times do we need exposure to new vocabulary before we know it.

Learning Objective: Students will be able to combine puede and quiere with infinitive verbs to express what they want to do or can do.

ir de go shopping
vas a ir de compras...are going to go shopping
le gusta ir de compras...likes to go shopping

puede...can/is able to

We started class with a quick 5 question pre-assessment:
  1. is able to
  2. wants
  3. to go shopping
  4. where?
  5. live
We had a class discussion using ir de compras. All in Spanish: Who likes to go shopping?  Where do you like to go shopping?  Who is going to go shopping this Friday? etc...

Then we clicked through Pobre Paco as a class and translated into English line by line.  Pobre Paco is loaded onto the home page at

While a student passed out the laptops we watched a brief Children's Story with captioning in Spanish. 
Donde Viven los Monstruos or Where the Wild Things Are.

The assignment is:
Create a story on powerpoint or some presentation tool format that proves your understanding of combining puede and quiere with infinitive verbs to express wants and abilities.

  • use a pattern like I did in Pobre Paco
  • make it SIMPLE!  We are not ready yet to express some of the harder things
  • Remember: INFO first, glitter later....this means put the majority of your effort into the writing and THEN search for pictures.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

jueves el 18 de noviembre

Guiding Question? How many times do we have to hear, see, use new vocabulary before we KNOW it?

Learning objective: Students will create a “dustbin game” on to review common phrases from the novela Piratas.

Dustbin Game Instructions:

1.      Go to
2.    On the right side under templates click on dustbin game
3.    Click the start button at the bottom center
4.    At the top where it says title of quiz copy past this phrase:
¿Quién es?
5.    Rename each of the four categories for one of the characters in the book
6.    under each category input all the facts, descriptions, etc. that are true about that person.  Put each different fact on a new line by hitting return each time.
7.    Once you have filled in each of the four characters hit proceed at the bottom
8.    Play your own dustbin game twice and see if your time improves
9.    Switch with a partner and play each other’s dustbin game.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

martes el 16 de noviembre

Guiding Question: How do we retell stories 
Learning Objective: Students will create a 10 question quiz with answers about the book Piratas.

First we read together pgs 6 and 7. Then we used Google Earth to see where the locations in the story are in relation to our location here.  Students are to partner up and create a 10 question quiz with some easy and some not so easy questions based on the book.  They must write the answers in complete sentences in Spanish. This will be graded under criterion C.

Friday, November 12, 2010

viernes el 12 de noviembre

Guiding Question: How do we retell stories?
Learning Objective: Students will create a story board to retell the story of the Piratas so far.

New verb today:

To look at, to watch
= -ing


Their yours

Here is the template of the story board in case you missed class and need a copy or in case you lost yours

Friday, November 5, 2010

lunes el 8 de noviembre

Guiding Question:  What determines our likes and dislikes?
Learning Objective:  Students will create a voki of one of the characters from Piratas and will use this as a writing assessment.

password: summit

  1. Go to voki website using the link above
  2. Log in under Sra. Rivera's account (provided above)
  3. Customize your character--create your avatar
  4. Give it a voice--choose the second option that looks like a computer key...this will allow you to type your message
  5. Change the language to Spanish (After you have entered your text you can go through the different voice options and accents to choose a specific one.
  6. Type in a message introducing your character.  Your voki should include:
  • name
  • any background information
  • descriptions
  • likes/dislikes

Thursday, November 4, 2010

jueves el 4 de noviembre

Guiding Question: What determines our likes and dislikes

Learning Objective: Students will  be able to answer the question ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

We took notes over some new verbs to use with the phrases me gusta and no me gusta.  To practice the new vocabulary we played a quick game of Charades. Students turned in 5 sentences expressing likes/dislikes for a mini written assessment.  Then Sra. Rivera briefly interviewed each of us for a speaking mini assessment.


Friday, October 29, 2010

viernes el 29 de octubre

Guiding Question: How do we honor our deceased loved ones?
Learning Objective: Students will work in partners to research and compile a class presentation on different aspects of the Day of the Dead.

Day of the Dead Fiesta Sign in Sheet

Collaborative Paper

Monday, October 25, 2010

lunes el 25 de octubre

Guiding Question: How did you first learn to speak a language?
Learning Objective: Students will know and be able to use various forms of querer (to want) and tener (to have)

vocab from today's storytell:





quiere ir
wants to go




We also learned the following phrases:
me gusta... "I like"
no me gusta... "I don't like"
me importa... matters to me
no me importa... doesn't matter to me
****Fiesta next TUESDAY!****

Monday, October 18, 2010

lunes el 18 de octubre

guiding question: How did you first learn to speak a language?
learning objective: Students will recognize the difference between ser and estar and when to use each verb

After we got our new seating chart assignments, today we watched a quick video on the environment in some specific regions of South America including the Galapagos Islands and

We then reviewed notes over estar and ser.  This time focusing in on when to use each one.   We started a CLOZE activity on the song Eres.  We ran short on time and will continue here on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

martes el 12 de octubre

Guiding Question: How did we first learn how to speak a language?
Learning Objective: TSW will read and write in Spanish.

First we silently read in magazines, and reveiwed what we read. Next we watched a video on the trapped miners in Chile. Then we wrote silently for ten minutes, and graded our peers' work using the IB rubric. The last thing we did was read an article about Ritchie Valens and complete a CLOZE activity by listening to the song and filling in missing vocabulary words. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

viernes el 8 de octubre

Guiding Question: How did we first learn to speak a language?
Learning Objective: TSW (the students will) create a vocab chart with Spanish/English translations and either a non-linguistic representation OR an example of the word in context

We spent a little time establishing google accounts for the students that did not already have one so that all can comment on the class blog.  Then students created a vocab review chart online and emailed it to themselves.  In groups of 2-3 students pre-read page 2 and used post it notes to make a list of unfamiliar vocabulary words that we will go over next week.

No hay tarea!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

miercoles el 6 de octubre

Guiding Question: How did we first learn to speak?
Learning Objective: TSW (The students will) use the IB rubrics to evaluate peer blabberize projects. This will serve as a review of the description vocab as well.

After we reviewed the new blog we looked over the IB rubrics for speaking. We self-assessed our listening achievement as well.

Tarea: comment on this blog answering the following questions...
1. What is your feedback for the blabberize projects?
2. What did you like about it?
3. What should I change to make this a better activity/experience for you next time?

Sra. Rivera

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Welcome to our new class blog!  It is my hope that this tool will help everyone--parents and students--stay connected and informed of what we cover each day in class.  I will be doing the first few blogs, but eventually the class will be updating the blog with what we did each day in class.  This should help with illness, extra-curricular activities, etc that might cause you to miss class.  It can also be just a nice review in case you forgot over the green day what we did in class.  We will try to include the guiding question, learning objective, and any homework (tarea).

On the side under archived posts you will see that each post is listed by date.  This way you can look specifically at what we did in a certain class.

Thanks and feel free to comment with any feedback of how this tool could be more helpful to you!
Sra. Rivera